Options for Cavity Fillings

If you’ve ever had a cavity filled, you know that the end result is a whole tooth that doesn’t hurt any longer. But one of the downsides of a cavity is that you’re left with a gray, cement-colored filling afterward. That doesn’t exactly do wonders for your smile. And if you have a big cavity filled, then the filling itself... read more »

Say Goodbye to Plaque and Tartar

The health of your smile is necessary when it comes to chewing food, speaking properly and demonstrating facial expressions. Daily oral hygiene is the key to stable oral health and the prevention of oral problems like tooth decay and gum disease. We offer some tips on proper oral care to help you remove and prevent plaque and tartar. Using an... read more »

Freshen Your Toothbrush After Illness

When you're sick, it is good manners to try and keep from spreading your illness to other people in your proximity. So, once you have recovered, it's a good idea to replace your toothbrush with a new one. It's just good toothbrush etiquette. Toothbrushes can hang onto bacteria and germs even after you've healed. This means that they can transfer... read more »

Essential Dental Tips on Cavity Prevention Treatments

Always look for new ways to protect your smile from cavities. Cavity prevention is extremely important to ensure oral health happiness. If enamel erosion is allowed to occur, not only will it give rise to cavities, but it will increase your potential risk of infections and tooth loss. Thus, you'll need to make sure that you're doing everything you can... read more »

How Cavities Kill Teeth

Everyone knows that a cavity is obviously something you don’t want in your teeth. They hurt, they hurt worse to get filled, and afterward, the appearance and integrity of your tooth is often compromised, although you can choose to get tooth-colored fillings these days. What most people aren’t aware of, though, are the potentially devastating effects cavities can have on... read more »

7 Easy Tips to Keep Your Dentures Healthy & Clean

If you have a pair of dentures, it is important to follow proper handling and cleaning protocol with them at all times. Even though dentures are artificial, they can still be damaged, cracked, stained, or carry bacteria. It’s important to take as much care of your dentures as your mouth. Here are seven easy tips to help you: - Be... read more »

Our Dental Implants Can Save Your Smile

At the family dental practice of Dr. Ferguson, Dr. Batra, and Dr. Smith in Kimball, Michigan, we are pleased to offer dental implants for our patients seeking a natural looking smile after losing a tooth (or several). Losing teeth is not uncommon, whether by tooth decay, gum disease or injury to the mouth. No matter what the cause, our dental implants... read more »

Mercury Free Fillings to Restore Your Healthy Smile

At the dental practice of Dr. Scott Ferguson, Dr. Neha Batra, and Dr. Logan Smith in Kimball, Michigan, we are pleased to offer mercury-free fillings for our patients' healthy smiles. Amalgam fillings, or mercury fillings, consist of a combination of silver, tin, copper, zinc and mercury. Because amalgam fillings have mercury in them, they release small amounts of mercury into your... read more »

The Plaque Plague

Did you know that your mouth is constantly fighting a battle against disease and decay? Oral bacteria are necessary for maintaining your health, but some of it can harm your teeth and gums. The bacteria that causes many dental problems is called plaque. Plaque Plaque is the name given to the sticky, colorless film of bacteria that collect on the... read more »

Interdental Cleaners And Flossing Tools

Would you rather clean the toilet than floss your teeth? Many people do not like flossing, whether it is because doing so is difficult, uncomfortable, or time consuming. However, cleaning between your teeth daily is a necessary part of maintaining oral hygiene. In order to make flossing easier, there are several tools and devices available which are all geared towards... read more »

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