Are you aware of any common oral emergencies? An oral emergency is often characterized as any type of emergency associated with your mouth that often takes place completely by accident and occurs swiftly. This can include brutally bitten lips or fractured and dislocated teeth. If you suffer blunt force trauma or suffer a fall, it is likely that you will... read more »
Research institutes have proven that smoking is harmful to your health. The life expectancy for smokers is ten years shorter than the average human’s and it kills nearly a half million Americans every year. There are many reasons why. It causes throat, lung, and oral cancer; destroys your gums and teeth; deteriorates lung tissue; and lowers oxygen levels in your... read more »
Protecting your teeth tends to be a daunting task that requires patience and daily cleaning routines. However, there are some simple tricks and hidden gems along the way that can assist you. For instance, some foods can enhance and protect your teeth and gums. This includes the following: - One of the most helpful oral health substances is naturally produced... read more »
Has Dr. Scott Ferguson told you that it’s time for a dental bridge? You may be wondering about the implications. Look no further! A bridge is a non-removable oral appliance that serves as a replacement for one or more missing teeth in a row. It is fastened to your mouth by two crowns that are placed over the top of... read more »
Is your smile ready for a cosmetic dentistry treatment? You could use a cosmetic dentistry upgrade if any of your teeth are broken or damaged and in need of repair. Cosmetic dentistry services are also helpful if the look of your smile is suffering for any reason. Some of the most incredible forms of cosmetic dentistry for fixing tooth abnormalities... read more »
An appealing smile full of lustrous white teeth plays to your favor in many situations in life. It is especially beneficial for people working in sales or other face-to-face business interactions. If cosmetic imperfections or dental staining problems affect your smile’s appearance, you should consider contacting Scott J. Ferguson, DDS to explore your cosmetic dental options. One of the more... read more »
If you or someone in your family is in a dental emergency, stay calm and call Scott J. Ferguson, DDS in Kimball, Michigan at 810-985-3301. Also, take a look at these instructions to see what you can do at home while you wait for a professional: Toothache 1. Take a teaspoon of salt and mix it with 8 oz of... read more »
Tooth decay can have serious ramifications to your oral health and function. If a large cavity forms, it can be troublesome in the short and long term. This can be an especially dangerous problem for the large molars and premolars in the back of your mouth. Many times, these teeth have deep pits and fissures in the tooth enamel on... read more »
Cavities are one the most common issues for which Dr. Scott Ferguson gives treatment. In the majority of these cases, it was easy to tell that the patient had a cavity. There are some instances where it isn’t so clear. Because it can be difficult to tell sometimes whether or not you may have a cavity, we offer this small... read more »
A partial denture is essentially an abbreviated version of dentures that is designed by Dr. Scott Ferguson to replicate your missing teeth. Providing it with quality, daily care will increase your partial’s lifespan and preserve the investment in your improved oral function. Many partial wearers use denture adhesive for an extra-secure hold. This also has the added benefit of helping... read more »