If you’re interested in knowing how dentures can benefit you, then our dentists Dr. Ferguson and Dr. Batra, are more than happy to help you. Dentures are handy appliances that can replace your missing teeth and boost your oral health. There are also more benefits to dentures, and they are happy to tell you all about them. The benefits include:... read more »
Always look for new ways to protect your smile from cavities. Cavity prevention is extremely important to ensure oral health happiness. If enamel erosion is allowed to occur, not only will it give rise to cavities, but it will increase your potential risk of infections and tooth loss. Thus, you'll need to make sure that you're doing everything you can... read more »
Parenting can come with a wide range of challenges, including protecting your child from harm, preserving their health, and helping to prevent cavities. The American Dental Association recommends notes that you can start brushing and flossing each of your child’s primary teeth as they develop and emerge from the gums. During these times it can be helpful to make their... read more »
Dental crowns are an extremely popular dental treatment and for good reason. Dental crowns perform many of the functions needed to enjoy a strong, healthy smile. We invite you to review the following uses for a dental crown: -Covering a treated tooth: Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that can cover and provide protection for a treated tooth. When a tooth... read more »
The toothbrush and floss are often the stars of the show, but what do you know about their little sister, the tongue scraper? Tongue scrapers may not be as essential to dental health as toothbrushes and floss are, but they can be a great supplement to your hygiene habits if you’re looking for a way to amp up your dental... read more »
An often-overlooked condition that can arise due to poor dental habits or other oral health problems is halitosis, more commonly known as bad breath. Bad breath typically arises due to bacteria in your mouth emitting bad odors, but it can also be caused by the foods you consume and underlying health conditions within your body. Treatments for halitosis include the... read more »
When people think of dentures, they often picture someone over the age of 65. However, many adults in the United States of varying ages are missing one or more teeth, or have teeth that need to be replaced. While dental implants have become very popular in recent years, some people may not be suitable candidates to receive implants. Surgery is... read more »
Because gum disease can be painless in its earliest stages, many people may not know that they have it. Some people may not even think about preventing gum disease, or having it treated until it becomes a serious issue. Often, your dentist will be the first one to spot gum disease, which is why it is so important to see... read more »
You may think that because your dentures are not your “real teeth” your days of brushing are over. Not quite! Dentures may not be natural teeth, but they still need to be properly cleaned if they are to do their jobs effectively. Dentures can collect food debris, just like natural teeth. That can lead to bad breath and gum disease,... read more »
You may find yourself with a tooth that is severely discolored or damaged, either by decay or by a trauma to your mouth. If your tooth has been weakened to the point that it is in danger; or if the tooth is needed to hold a dental bridge in place or cover an implant, your dentist will suggest that you... read more »