How Routine Dental Checkups Help Your Smile in the Long Run

When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »

Treatments for Your Sensitive Teeth

Did you know, there are many treatments for sensitive teeth problems? Yes, it’s true! You do not have to suffer in silence if you have sensitive teeth because there are many things you can do to improve your situation. Having sensitive teeth is a common problem that affects thousands of people each day. Our dentists, Dr. Scott Ferguson, is excited... read more »

Options for Cavity Fillings

If you’ve ever had a cavity filled, you know that the end result is a whole tooth that doesn’t hurt any longer. But one of the downsides of a cavity is that you’re left with a gray, cement-colored filling afterward. That doesn’t exactly do wonders for your smile. And if you have a big cavity filled, then the filling itself... read more »

Traveling Kit Reminders for a Healthy Smile While You Travel

Are you excited for the spring season? Are you ready to vacation somewhere or plan to have many pictures to commemorate your fun-filled season? If so, then we have exciting tips for you! Keeping your smile healthy and white as you travel is always ideal, especially if you love to take pictures. To help you, our dentistss, Dr. Scott Ferguson... read more »

Say Goodbye to Plaque and Tartar

The health of your smile is necessary when it comes to chewing food, speaking properly and demonstrating facial expressions. Daily oral hygiene is the key to stable oral health and the prevention of oral problems like tooth decay and gum disease. We offer some tips on proper oral care to help you remove and prevent plaque and tartar. Using an... read more »

Freshen Your Toothbrush After Illness

When you're sick, it is good manners to try and keep from spreading your illness to other people in your proximity. So, once you have recovered, it's a good idea to replace your toothbrush with a new one. It's just good toothbrush etiquette. Toothbrushes can hang onto bacteria and germs even after you've healed. This means that they can transfer... read more »

Take Extra Care for Your Smile as You Age

As life goes by, without extra care our health could decline rapidly. By taking care of your health as you age, you can avoid many health problems and keep your body healthy through the chapters of life. Did you know, the same is true for your smile? As we age, our teeth age with us, and time can make them... read more »

A Severely Damaged Dental Crown Might Need a Dental Bridge Restoration

A dental crown is typically made from materials like gold, a metal alloy or dental grade porcelain. It is used to treat a significantly decayed or traumatized tooth. It is designed to replicate the original tooth enamel. However, a dental crown can still be chipped or fractured by an accidental blow to the mouth during sports, or a household fall.... read more »

You Smile Could be at Risk from Dental Dangers

Keeping your smile safe and productive for a lifetime of happiness includes always taking time out of your busy day to think about your oral health and even clean your teeth when you get the chance. Not only should you be brushing and flossing on a daily basis, but you should consider using alternative cleaning utensils such as mouthwash after... read more »

Dentistry Essentials 101: Chewing Gum

Are you familiar with any alternative techniques to keep your teeth and gums safe, such as chewing sugarless gum? Chewing sugarless gum has numerous potential benefits to your smile to help ensure your teeth and gums continue to function as intended. Listed below are just some of the benefits that you can expect: - Increase saliva flow in your mouth,... read more »

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